MEMS actuators
Our thin film capabilities allow us to act as a pure-play foundry for a wide range of MEMS devices & actuators.
Tools for making MEMS actuators:
- Lithography down to 0.5 μm feature size
- Deposition of various materials by:
– Sputtering
– Evaporation
– LP
– PECVD - Etching:
– (D)RIE
– Wet etching
Download the specification sheet on all MEMS foundry process capabilities ›
Our large variety of tools allow us to manufacture MEMS actuators in silicon and glass. We have a proprietary thin-film piezo technology to integrate actuators into the wafer processing flow.
Check out our other MEMS applications
MEMS applications are many. Organ-on-a-chip for example, where a human organ is reproduced in its most elementary form: microelectromechanical systems device. Several applications stand out, because of their promise and our capabilities.
Sustainable competitive advantage through custom MEMS devices. Check out our services in the MEMS & Micro Devices key area of expertise.